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The Circulation Policy Group reviews and creates consortium wide policies around circulation. The group consists of volunteers/representatives from the greater MnPALS consortia. They meet quarterly to review and discuss circulation policy. These meetings are not recorded but are open to interested participants. Please see the Circulation Policy Group Knowledge Page (login required) for meeting url.
The MnPALS Discovery Community of Interest group meets monthly to discuss Primo VE configuration, troubleshooting, and release notes. Join us to collaborate with your colleagues, discuss discovery-related topics, ask questions, and share ideas. Zoom Link and Agendas
All MnPALS members welcome to attend! The meeting will be held in Zoom webinar format, which means the Board will be unmuted and the observers will not. Agenda (includes link to meeting)
These MnPALS consortium meetings are held virtually on the second Wednesday of each month. Watch the MnPALS list for login information. To sign up for the MnPALS mailing list, please go the MnPALS Essentials guide.
The MnPALS Circulation Community of Interest (COI) group is an informal group talking about topics related to Circulation and Fulfillment. Join us for the discussion, we meet every other month on the second Thursday from 10 - 11 am. Not quite sure if this is the group for you, here are few previously discussed topics:...
MnPALS library staff who are interested in resource management-related topics. For meeting information, please see the Cataloging COI Knowledge Article (login required)
MnPALS library staff who are interested in sharing tips and information on how to use Alma interlibrary loan. Topic: Highlights and Updates in Resource Sharing Facilitator: Wendy Gibson, Minnesota State University, Moorhead Meeting URL and passcode at ILL Community of Interest page
The Web Community of Interest is an informal MnPALS group discussing topics related to web technology updates, library guides, and web pages. Specific meeting details and the Zoom link can be found on our Web Community of Interest Knowledgebase page.
The E-Resources Community of Interest meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. Information/agendas/Zoom link (Must be logged in to access)