ILL Community of Interest

MN, United States

Topic: Resource Sharing in Analytics Date: July 18, 2022 Time: 2:30-3:30 Facilitator: Wendy Gibson, Minnesota State University Moorhead The meeting link and passcode are in the PALS Support Center

Discovery Community of Interest

Online Meeting

Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 968 6998 3366 Passcode: disco Meeting Agenda: Over the summer we will shorten the meeting time to 30 minutes, with the option for extending to an hour if we have more to discuss. The agenda will be an open forum. If you have a topic in mind, please send the idea, and we will address it at the meeting.

Meeting of the Minds

Online Meeting

Perry Madden will be hosting in place of Johnna Horton. Open discussion. Zoom Link: Passcode: 686620    

Event Series Discovery Community of Interest

Discovery Community of Interest

Online Meeting

Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 968 6998 3366 Passcode: disco Meeting Details *  Topic: Summer Discovery Projects            * What projects and/or tweaks have you been working on over the summer?            * Any Discovery goals for the upcoming year? Meeting Agenda:  August Primo VE Release Notes Main Discussion: Summer Discovery Projects Open Forum: What's going on at your library and/or questions, issues, problems, etc.