Jill Holman 0:00 Alright, so, once you log into your EZproxy Administration, we can do the Check for Database Definition Conflicts. And here you see we have a bunch of conflicts. Let's tackle this ProQuest problem. So we'll go over to our CyberDuck and we'll log in using SFTP, of course. And we have to go into the EZproxy directory and we will download our config. I'll just do [save to] the desktop. And there we go. I like to use Notepad++ for this it has a little bit better feature set than just plain Notepad. So here we have our config. I'm going to do a find for ProQuest, find where it is in the document. It'll actually show me all the instances, which I really like. We see it's line 281 to 298. And there we go. There's the ProQuest stanza, it is quite old. We should update that. So OCLC has the database stanzas, I'm going to do a search for ProQuest. We see that July of last year was the most recent one. It's quite long, but we're not worried about that because we are going to try to use the IncludeFile. I'm just going to copy it. And this is a good reminder that we actually want to save a backup. So let's go here to where we saved our config file. There we are, we're going to make a copy. There we go. So I have a copy. And I can edit this file. And if I make a mistake, I can just revert to that copy if I need to. So I took out the old stanza, I'm going to paste in the include line. You can, of course, comment out if you want, but that can be kind of time consuming. And there we go, we took out the old stanza and put in the IncludeFile. So we do a quick save on that. And then we head over to CyberDuck. And we make sure we have the file that we just changed and we can just drag and drop it over and it uploads it. We have to confirm that we want to overwrite it and poof, that's done. Then we head back to our EZproxy Administration and choose Restart EZproxy. And you have to type in Restart if it's the first time you've done it. And there we've done that. And then of course we want to test it. We'll check - the conflict is gone. But of course you want to actually, you know, test it. Log in remotely to the database, be sure it's working. There you go. Transcribed by https://otter.ai