Event Series:
MnPALS Consortium Board 2024-2025
MnPALS Consortium Board 2024-2025
January 21 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The Board meets monthly in Zoom: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/95795937308?pwd=QjA0OXhzc3Rqc3hzT1Y3OHNXSUQ2dz09
Taking into consideration staffing, budgets, types of patrons served, student population, and geographic location, the Board will represent the MnPALS membership to:
- Establish and advance the mission, vision and strategic priorities of MnPALS
- Provide input and recommendations to the PALS office
- Approve and review the formation and charges of policy groups and task forces
- Create, review, and/or approve consortium-wide policy
- Serve as the Network Zone Policy Group
- Build and maintain communication in the Consortium
Complete governance structure here: https://www.mnpals.org/the-consortium/governance-structure/