Discovery Community of Interest

MN, United States

Zoom Recording: Agenda/Meeting Notes: Primo VE Release review Main Discussion: Facets You can add screenshots of your facets before the discussion here (Note: You may have different facets appearing for different scopes): Open Floor What would you like to discuss?

MnPALS Consortium Board meeting

Online Meeting

Everyone in the MnPALS Consortium is welcome to attend the governance meetings of the MnPALS Consortium Board. Participation will be available through the chat/Q&A. Meeting Link Passcode: Agenda

Event Series Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds

Online Meeting

These MnPALS consortium meetings are held virtually on the second Wednesday of each month. Watch the MnPALS list for login information. To sign up for the MnPALS mailing list, please go the MnPALS Essentials guide.